Biohybrid Robots and Systems

The emerging field of biohybrid robotics aims to create the next generation of soft and sustainable robots by using engineered biological muscle tissues integrated with soft materials as artificial muscles. At SRL, we engineer biohybrid robots that merge biology and robots, advancing the field of soft robotics and understanding of biomechanical principles. We also use biohybrid systems to help address unmet medical needs.

Types of biohybrid research at SRL

Biohybrid robots and systems are made merging tissue engineering techniques to grow 3D muscle tissues from skeletal or cardiac muscle and mechanical engineering methods to assemble soft and biocompatible biohybrid systems. At SRL, we work on advancing the available techniques for making centi-scale, performant biological muscle tissues by innovating on biofabrication techniques. We address the lack of integrated sensing and control of bio-actuators by combining soft and biocompabtile sensor modalities into our tissue engineered muscle. Finally, we also use the knowledge gained from engineering at the interface of mechanical engineering and biology to build functional biohybrid systems that can serve as biomimetic in vitro models or even for implanation during surgical procedures.


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